Anglais modifier


Étymologie modifier

 Composé de diagram et de chasing.

Locution nominale modifier

Singulier Pluriel
diagram chasing
\Prononciation ?\
diagram chasings
\Prononciation ?\

diagram chasing \Prononciation ?\

  1. (Mathématiques) (Informel) Synonyme de diagram chase.
    • It remains to state and prove the five-lemma. […] The proof […] is carried out by a technique called the "diagram chasing". […] The proof of a proposition such as the five-lemma by diagram chasing requires practically no cleverness or ingenuity. — (William S. Massey, A basic course in algebraic topology, coll. « Graduate Texts in Mathematics », Springer (1991), ISBN 978-038797430-9, page 184.)