Voir aussi : réplicant

Anglais modifier

Étymologie modifier

(ca. 1981). Terme créé pour le film Blade Runner par David Peoples ou sa fille.

Nom commun modifier

Singulier Pluriel
\Prononciation ?\
\Prononciation ?\


  1. (Science-fiction) (Univers de Blade Runner) Réplicant.
    •  Early in the 21st Century, THE TYRELL CORPORATION advanced Robot evolution into the NEXUS phase — a being virtually identical to a human — known as a Replicant.
       The NEXUS 6
      Replicants were superior in strength and agility, and at least equal in intelligence, to the genetic engineers who created them.
      Replicants were used Off-world as slave labor, in the hazardous exploration and colonization of other planets. — (Hampton Fancher, David Peoples, introduction du film Blade Runner, 1982)

Vocabulaire apparenté par le sens modifier

Hyperonymes modifier