modifier- Altération de shamefast, du moyen anglais schamefast, du vieil anglais sceamfæst (« timide, modeste »).
modifierNature | Forme |
Positif | shamefaced \ˈʃeɪmˌfeɪst\ |
Comparatif | more shamefaced \ˌmɔɹ ˈʃeɪmˌfeɪst\ ou \ˌmɔː ˈʃeɪmˌfeɪst\ |
Superlatif | most shamefaced \ˌmoʊst ˈʃeɪmˌfeɪst\ ou \ˌməʊst ˈʃeɪmˌfeɪst\ |
shamefaced \ˈʃeɪmˌfeɪst\
- Modeste ; qui montre de la modestie ou de l'embarras.
- Honteux, penaud.
He lowered the extinguisher with a shamefaced grin and gestured comically to the spectators. The light was off. The switch was off. The fire, if it had been a fire, was gone.
— (Tom Clancy, Patriot games, 1987.)