side effect
modifier- (Date à préciser) composé de side (« côté, bord ») et de effect (« effet »), littéralement « effet de bord ».
Locution nominale
modifierSingulier | Pluriel |
side effect \ˈsaɪd ɪ.ˌfɛkt\ |
side effects \ˈsaɪd ɪ.ˌfɛkts\ |
side effect \ˈsaɪd ɪ.ˌfɛkt\
- Effet secondaire, effet de bord.
The contrast-blue is not a colot that has any objective existence—it is only produced upon the retina as a side effect of yellow ; it cannot therefore be moved about by a calc-spar prism.
— (C. L. Franklin, recension, en rubrique « Vision », page 323, d'un article de A. M. Mayer, publié en 1893 dans l’American Journal of Science. The Psychological Review, volume I, 1894)Another side-effect is the creation of slums by those very sectors of the population which were most willing to accept change—the people who dared make the trek from the village or desert.
— (Alexander Berler, New Towns in Israel, page 15. Israel Universities Press, 1970)Orthostatic hypotension is another side effect of antipsychotic drugs.
— (Mary Ann Boyd, Psychiatric Nursing: Contemporary Practice, page 292. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers, 3e édition, 2005.)It is possible to alleviate many if the most difficult side effects pharmacologically when necessary.
— (Dermot R. Fitzgibbon et John D. Loeser, Cancer Pain: : Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management, page 213. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers, février 2010)In each case you probably just waited to get back to normal, whether that meant recovering from your illness, adjusting to the new time zone, or waiting for the side effects of the medication to wear off.
— (Andrew E. Budson, « What is COVID-19 brain fog — and how can you clear it? »,, 8 mars 2021 ; page consultée le 5 mars 2024)- Dans chaque cas, vous attendiez probablement que cela revienne à la normale, que cela signifia guérir, vous habituer au nouveau fuseau horaire ou attendre que les effets secondaires du médicament se dissipent.
modifier- (Australie) : écouter « side effect [Prononciation ?] »
Voir aussi
modifier- side effect sur l’encyclopédie Wikipédia (en anglais)
- effet de bord sur l’encyclopédie Wikipédia