Anglais modifier

Étymologie modifier

Du passif de talk about (« parler de »).

Locution adjectivale modifier

Nature Forme
Positif talked about
\ˈtɔkt ə.ˌboʊt\ ou \ˈtɔːkt ə.ˌboʊt\
Comparatif more talked about
\ˌmɔɹ ˈtɔkt ə.ˌboʊt\ ou \ˌmɔː ˈtɔːkt ə.ˌboʊt\
Superlatif most talked about
\ˌmoʊst ˈtɔkt ə.ˌboʊt\ ou \ˌməʊst ˈtɔːkt ə.ˌboʊt\

talked about \ˈtɔkt ə.ˌboʊt\ (États-Unis), \ˈtɔːkt ə.ˌboʊt\ (Royaume-Uni)

  1. Dont beaucoup de gens parlent.
    • Facebook released its 2015 Year in Review on Wednesday, including a host of “Top 10 Lists” detailing the most talked about people, events and topics on the social network over the past 12 months. Game of Thrones topped Facebook’s list of most talked about TV shows for the second year in a row, with another Sunday night star, The Walking Dead, coming in at a close second. — (Megan McCluskey, « These Are the Most Talked About TV Shows on Facebook », Time, 2015)