
Let's look at two interesting elements of this language. The first one is the evidentiality system. It is used by the speakers to specify the source of a knowledge that they are saying by distinguishing whether they know it from a direct experiment (for example: "it was raining just now, I saw it"), by an intermediary ("it was raining, someone told me"), by inference ("it was raining, the ground is wet") or by a shared global knowledge ("it was raining since the rain season always starts after the village party"). In some languages, such as the Quechua language, these elements are specified only at the beginning of the speech, whereas a French people would say "jadis" or "Les légendes racontent que ..." to specify when the story happens. In other languages, such as the Guarani language, it is mandatory to put the information in all the assertive sentences, like the verb tense in French, otherwise one appears as a dishonest or uneducated person. It is called system, because it is an information that is part of the grammar of the language, that is necessarily expressed.