
Everything (yes, absolutely everything, or almost everything...) started in a seedy café next to the Part-Dieu station in Lyon. Noé and I (Lyokoï your devoted narrator) met the director of éditions Garnier, Philippe Sylvestre, and the publisher in charge of the Wiktionnaire's printing project, Maxime Perret (photographed at the Wikiconvention francophone). We went because Wikimedia France put us in touch with those people who wanted to “print the Wiktionnaire”. A little mocking, we were curious to see how we could want to print 3.7 million pages, or less madly the 370,000 French words we described in the project, knowing that in comparison one of the largest printed language dictionaries is the “Grand Robert de la langue française”, which it contains 100,000 words, and that it is 6 large volumes of 7 cm thick per volume (about 23 volumes for 161 cm wide for the Wiktionnaire, with about the same format).