
Then came the creation of the work itself, first the selection of information that would be kept: definitions, quotations, synonyms, antonyms, expressions, derivatives to retrieve other expressions, the form line and the grammatical class. Then the creation of the list of words that will constitute the nomenclature, the latter were chosen from a sum of three sources: the 50,000 most read Wiktionary words in 2018, the 1500 most frequent in the French language, and several thousand words among the most present in school textbooks. The final skimming retained only 32,000 pages of the Wiktionnaire for 40,000 lemmas or words. It has been augmented with a preface, etymological records and word networks from other works by the same publisher. These supplements are not under free license. A list of the 200 most important contributors to the Wiktionnaire is provided at the end of the book.