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Sarah Gamp et son parapluie.

D'après Mrs Sarah Gamp, un personnage du roman de Charles Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit qui portait un grand parapluie.

Nom commun


gamp \Prononciation ?\

  1. (Vieilli) Parapluie.
    • (EDITOR'S NOTE: — No wonder the price of jute, from which sandbags are made, has increased of late, a good thing for India! However, thanks to Mr. Chamberlain's modernized version of the old Latin tag — Si vis pacem, para umbrellum — the crisis has, at the time of printing, been averted. " Mein gampf" seems to Have won out — so far !) — (Selwyn House School Yearbook 1939, page 16 ; en ligne : https://archive.org/details/selwynhouseschoo1939selw , consulté le 6 septembre 2017.) Note : Mein Gampf : jeu de mot entre Mein Kampf et gamp.

