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serial monogamy
\Prononciation ?\

serial monogamy \Prononciation ?\

  1. Monogamie sérielle.
    • For some adolescents, serial monogamy - or a succession of 'permanent' relationships - is the norm, confirming earlier findings with American adolescents reported by Sorensen (1973). — (Susan Moore & Doreen Rosenthal, Sexuality in Adolescence, p. 127, 1993)
    • If serial monogamy is the norm, even if individuals have many partners over time, the virus is trapped within relationships and gets around slowly. — ("Sex and sensibility", The Economist, 1 mars 2008)
    • Pawley was, of course, not the last man to suffer from Taylor’s serial monogamy, with the Hollywood star marrying eight times in her life. — (The Guardian, 30 mars 2011)

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