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Inventé par John Desmond Bernal dans The Freedom of Necessity (1949). Composé du préfixe phob- (« peur ») de -o- et de sophy (« connaissance »), par opposition à philosophy. Comparer à sophophobia.

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  1. Phobosophie.
    • The great advantage of anti-philosophical philosophy, or what we might call phobosophy or fear of abstract knowledge, was that it enabled you to take the world exactly as you found it and adapt yourself to it to your own best advantage. — (John Desmond Bernal, The Freedom of Necessity, page 393, 1949)
    • It is a remarkable doctrine which,[…f]ar from being “a philosophy of religion,” it is much rather a phobosophy, a fear of knowledge — neither essentially philosophic nor religious. — (The Jewish Quarterly Review, volumes 45–46, page 337, 1954)
    • Philosophy is, literally, the love of knowledge; phobosophy is the fear of it. There are obviously more “phobosophers” in the world than philosophers. — (Thomas Stephen Szasz, The Second Sin, page 21, 1973)
    • Bernal believed strongly that the whole of modern philosophy, save for Marxism, had let the spirit of the Enlightenment down, which he blamed on the rise of phobosophy or the fear of abstract thinking. — (Edwin A. Roberts, The Anglo-Marxists: A Study in Ideology and Culture, page 168, 1997)
    • ‘[T]he best thoughts [of these scholars] could well be omitted’?? There must be a mistake. I couldn’t imagine such a severe case of phobosophy. — (Leslie P. Steffe and Patrick W. Thompson [eds.], Radical Constructivism in Action: Building on the Pioneering Work of Ernst von Glasersfeld, page xiii, 2000)

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