Pourquoi en anglais: j'ai déjà entré toutes ces infos dans Wikipedia, alors ...

My name : René Bach, born 21.9.1951, long time Swiss (1677, last time I checked). My parents are Swiss German (I am still almost fluent). Born and followed schools in Geneva (French speaking). Dr. es Molecular Biology in 1980. 3.5 postdoctoral studies in the US (Stanford) at the HPP. 2 years in industry. Returned to Switzerland in 1986. Different jobs.

  • 2003 - 2008 - Work on the HERMES (project management method9 project of the Swiss Government.
  • 2008 - present : terminology support, e-governement activity support, risk management in our unit reorganisation project, quality assurance.


  • sailing (cruising and racing)
  • computer science
  • archeology, hominidae, Celts
  • science in general.

I am a long time sailor (racing and cruising). Good skier. Lots of interests in many sports.

3 kids. dr.rene.bach@gmail.com. I used Macs, Lisp Workstations, Windows, Linux and now Android.