post-traumatic stress disorder

Anglais modifier

Étymologie modifier

Composé de post-traumatic, stress et disorder.

Locution nominale modifier

Singulier Pluriel
post-traumatic stress disorder
\Prononciation ?\
post-traumatic stress disorders
\Prononciation ?\
Post-traumatic stress disorder world map in 2002.

post-traumatic stress disorder

  1. (Nosologie) Trouble de stress post-traumatique, ou état de stress post-traumatique.
    • Stress-induced neuronal remodelling in animal models reveals unique features of structural plasticity in the amygdala that could be of relevance to studies of humans with mood disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder. — (Benno Roozendaal, Bruce S. McEwen et Sumantra Chattarji, « Stress, memory and the amygdala », dans Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 13 mai 2009 [texte intégral]. Consulté le 13 novembre 2023)

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