Anglais modifier

Étymologie modifier

Dérivé de life (« vie »), avec le suffixe -er.

Nom commun modifier

Singulier Pluriel

lifer \laɪfə\

  1. Prisonnier condamné à la prison à vie.
  2. (Militaire) Militaire de carrière, qui passe toute sa vie au sein de l’armée.
    • LRRP planned to become “career” Army, i.e., a lifer, you kept that quiet. Basic LRRP theology said the Army sucked and that philosophy kept one from going crazy because, at the bottom, nothing about the war seemed to make sense anyway. The LRRP's considered a lifer a loser. Being a lifer implied one had no other options available. Every LRRP had his own stories about back home: about family, friends, lovers, opportunities, dreams and a future. — (Paul Newman, Nine From The Ninth, 2002)

Prononciation modifier