Anglais modifier

Étymologie modifier

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Locution interjective modifier

quel dommage \Prononciation ?\

  1. (Gallicisme) Quel dommage.
    • Oh, dear me, have I caught you at a bad time? Quel dommage, I'm sure. Your door was open and no servants were about, so that I found myself forced to announce my arrival by rudely calling up the stairs — (Kasey Michaels, The Legacy of the Rose, 9780671731809. 1992)
    • But then, quel dommage ! I put my little question. I want to be sure that he was not in the village, I say. Can he tell me something which will prove him to have been elsewhere? — (Leo Bruce, Case for Three Detectives: A Sergeant Beef Mystery, p. 207, ISBN 1613732589. 2014)