Anglais modifier

Étymologie modifier

Mot-valise composé de stroma, stromata et stalactite.

Nom commun modifier

stromatactis \Prononciation ?\

  1. (Géologie) Cavité remplie de calcite.
    • The stromatactis cavities are present in fine-grained carbonate sediments in the nature, forming the specific shapes and reticulate arrays.
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • Stromatactis originated when early internal sedimentation occurred in the open space of the cavity network followed by centripetal cementation by early marine cements in residual cavity space. Aborted stromatactis resulted from internal sediment filling of the entire or near-entire original cavity network. Inhibited stromatactis refers to incipient marine cementation of the stromatactid cavity followed by entire or near-entire internal sediment filling. — ('Encyclopedia of Geobiology')