modifier- Gérondif de split hairs ; composé de hair et de splitting.
Nom commun
modifierSingulier | Pluriel |
hair-splitting \ˈhɛɹˌsplɪ.tiɳ\ |
hair-splittings \ˈhɛɹˌsplɪ.tiɳz\ |
hair-splitting \ˈhɛɹˌsplɪ.tiɳ\
- (Idiotisme) (Sens figuré) Argutie, tétrapilectomie, fait de couper les cheveux en quatre.
On Thursday, the United Nations will vote on whether Palestine should be raised to the status of "non-member observer state" at the United Nations, rather than the status of "observer entity" which it currently holds. This seems like hair-splitting, but it is a contentious issue.
— (Jake Wallis Simons, Britain is right to support Palestine at the UN – and so should Israel, The Telegraph, novembre 2012)