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utterance \ˈʌt.ə.ɹəns\

  1. Fait d’émettre un son, de s’exprimer : expression, émission (sonore), articulation, prononciation.
  2. Quelque chose de dit : propos, parole, déclaration, énoncé.
  3. Profération.
    • Without prejudicing the question of real ‘spirit-control’ in the more developed sorts of trance-utterance, I incline to think that these (often deplorably unintelligent) rudimentary utterances are the work of an inferior fraction of the subject’s own natural mind, set free from control by the rest, and working after a set pattern fixed by the prejudices of the social environment. — (William James, The principles of psychology, 1890, chapitre 9, page 228 → lire en ligne)

Prononciation modifier